Maximizing Benefits with Monthly Contact Lenses: A Guide

shopping for contact lenses in person

Discover if wearing monthly contact lenses is right for you! Plus, we’ll talk about other options so you can make the best possible choice

Have you previously considered wearing contact lenses but aren’t sure how to get started? You’ve likely imagined what you would look like without glasses and the freedom to move around without having your glasses fall off accidentally. If this sounds like you, then you may be a great candidate for getting contact lenses monthly.

This change isn’t just about looks or seeing clearly—it’s also about convenience and comfort. Can you imagine waking up with crystal-clear vision without reaching out groggily for those specs? With contact lenses, that dream becomes reality.

This post is set on guiding you through the process by helping you pick the right pair or box of monthly contacts tailored to your lifestyle needs while keeping those eyes healthy, too!

Table of Contents

Understanding Monthly Contact Lenses

Before we dive into what you should look for in monthly contact lenses, let’s talk about how they work

Comparing daily and weekly disposable lenses to monthly contact lenses, this section is for those seeking to gain a better understanding. Daily contacts are used once and then thrown away, while monthly contact lenses, as the name suggests, can be worn for an entire month.

But what makes them last so long? Well, it’s all in their design. The types of materials used in monthly disposable contact lenses allow more oxygen to reach your eyes than traditional soft lenses do. This means they’re generally more comfortable to wear over extended periods of time.

Benefits of Monthly Contact Lenses

You might ask why choose monthly disposables when there are other options available, such as disposable lenses such as dailies, or weekly disposables. One reason is cost-effectiveness; you use fewer lenses with a pair lasting up to 30 days compared to single-use dailies, which need replacing every day. 

The environmental impact is also less since fewer lens packages end up in landfills each year. Furthermore, if taken care of properly by cleaning and storing correctly every night before bed, these kinds of contacts can provide clear vision with little risk of infection or discomfort.

How Monthly Contact Lenses Work

In terms of functionality and structure—let’s take Biofinity XR Toric from CooperVision as an example—they’re made using Aquaform Comfort Science technology that locks water within the lens, making them naturally wettable without needing any additional surface treatments or wetting agents. That ensures comfort throughout its usage period regardless of how often one blinks.

This just goes on to show how important understanding different contact lens types is in making the right choice for your vision needs.

Choosing the Right Monthly Contact Lenses

Finding your perfect pair of monthly contact lenses is like shopping for a new car—they should suit your lifestyle

playing golf setting up to putt

You’ve got plenty of choices, with brands like Acuvue Vita, Air Optix Night & Day Aqua, Biofinity, Biotrue, and Clariti ruling the roost. But how do you choose? It’s not as complex as rocket science but does involve some careful thought.

Your comfort level is paramount because these little pieces of plastic will be in your eyes most days. Some contacts might feel great initially but cause discomfort after prolonged wear, while others might take getting used to but then become barely noticeable.

Lifestyle also plays a big role here. If you’re an active person who enjoys outdoor activities or sports, certain lens materials may suit you better than others due to their breathability or resistance against drying out.

And let’s not forget about vision correction needs. From astigmatism-correcting toric lenses from Biofinity Toric and multifocal presbyopia solutions by Johnson & Johnson VisionCare Inc., there are a lot of options out there.

Did you know that there are five main types of contact lenses: Daily Disposable, 1-2 Week Disposable, 1-3 Month Disposable,  Toric/Astigmatism correcting ones, Colored and Tinted, and Bifocal/Multifocal? Quite a selection, right?

With all these factors in mind, picking the right monthly contact lenses can feel less like navigating through a maze and more like choosing your favorite ice cream flavor. Once you’ve identified the perfect monthly contact lens or lenses, the effort will have been worthwhile.

Proper Care and Maintenance for Monthly Contact Lenses

Caring for your monthly contact lenses is vital to ensure eye health

monthly contact lenses case and solution

First things first—always wash your hands before handling contacts. This reduces the risk of infection from germs or dirt on your fingers.

Rubbing and rinsing each lens with a recommended solution can help remove mucus, secretions, films, or deposits that may have built up during extended wear alone. Then, soak them in enough fresh solution overnight to disinfect them thoroughly.

Avoid using tap water directly on lenses as it contains bacteria that can wear contact lenses and could lead to serious infections like Acanthamoeba keratitis.

Storing Your Monthly Disposable Contacts

When not in use, store your monthly disposables in a clean case filled with fresh solution. Replace this case every three months.

Last, keep an eye out for any signs of discomfort, such as redness or itching—these could indicate a need for professional care. The National Eye Institute explains more about recognizing symptoms here. By following these steps, you can enjoy a comfortable and clear vision with your monthly contacts

Wearing Experience with Monthly Contact Lenses

Switching to monthly disposable contact lens lenses can be a game-changer. Yet, any alteration can present its own difficulties

The initial days might bring about some dryness or discomfort. This is normal as your eyes are adjusting to the new contacts.

A good trick here is using eye drops recommended by an eye care practitioner. They help in lubricating your eyes and reduce dryness, making you feel more comfortable throughout the day.

If irritation persists even after a week of consistent wear, don’t ignore it. Get in touch with your optometrist immediately, as this could indicate something more serious, such as an allergic reaction or improper lens fit.

Navigating Vision Change With Monthly Contacts

Sometimes, users experience slight changes in vision when they first wear monthly contact lenses or start wearing monthly disposables. Your sight may appear sharper due to better quality optics used in these types of lenses compared to daily contacts or glasses.

This sudden clarity might seem unusual at first, but give yourself time—soon enough, you’ll enjoy crisp, clear vision without noticing any difference.

Tackling Light Sensitivity With New Contacts

New contact lens wearers will often report light sensitivity during their adjustment period, which usually subsides over time. Wearing sunglasses outdoors helps protect against bright sunlight that can exacerbate this issue while indoors. Consider reducing screen brightness on digital devices for relief. Research suggests that these strategies can help manage light sensitivity effectively.

Remember, while it might seem like a bit of an adjustment period at first, monthly contacts offer clear vision and convenience. Just make sure to follow your eye care practitioner’s advice for proper lens care, and you’ll be just fine.

Where to Buy Monthly Contact Lenses

When it comes to buying monthly contact lenses, online retailers like Linneo’s partners are a popular choice

online shopping for contact lenses

Searching for the best place to buy contact lenses monthly? Look no further than our partners at Linneo. When you choose Linneo for individual vision insurance or an eyewear savings plan, you can access exclusive discounts on monthly contact lenses. To find out how much you can save, visit our enrollment page!

Frequently Asked Questions about Monthly Contact Lenses

What Are The Differences Between Daily And Monthly Contacts?

Daily contacts are used once and then tossed out at the day’s end, while monthly lenses and disposables can be worn for 30 days before needing replacement. But remember, proper care is key with monthlies—cleaning and disinfecting daily helps avoid infections or discomfort.

Can I Sleep With My Monthly Contact Lenses In?

This depends on the brand/type of lens you use—some designs, such as Air Optix Night & Day Aqua, allow safe overnight wear due to their high oxygen permeability, which lets more air reach your eyes.

I'm Experiencing Dryness/Discomfort With My Monthlies – What Can I Do?

If this happens often, it may mean switching brands/types could help. Reach out to your eye doctor—they’re best suited to advise on alternatives based on individual needs.

Choosing the right contact lens type doesn’t have to be confusing. Ask questions, stay informed, and always follow your eye care professional’s advice.

Now you understand understood what to look for when choosing the right pair tailored to your lifestyle needs. Comfort level? Check! Suitable brand? Check!

Plus, you’ve discovered essential eye care professional tips to keep those eyes healthy—cleaning and disinfecting being top priority.

You’re now equipped with knowledge on where you can get these monthly contacts online while understanding the insurance benefits that apply. If you are looking for ways to get contact lenses while you are on a budget, explore your saving options with Linneo! Plus, you can get the perfect set of monthly contact lenses delivered right to your door—how easy is that?

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