Do you need additional eye care coverage with Medicare? Find out from Linneo!
When it comes to healthcare coverage, it’s easy to feel lost and confused. However, navigating the complexities of Medicare’s eye care coverage doesn’t have to be a struggle. That’s why Linneo is here to help you get a better idea of how Medicare works with vision insurance—and find the best plan for your needs.
We’re here to help you navigate through the nuances of Medicare’s eye care and prescription drug coverage. With the knowledge you’ll learn about Medicare and vision coverage, you’ll feel far more confident when it comes to making decisions about your health coverage.
The key point we need to address upfront is— “Does Medicare cover vision?” Let’s unravel this together and shed light on what exactly is covered under Medicare and ways that you can supplement your existing plan.
The Scope of Medicare’s Vision Coverage
Before you go to the optometrist, it is important to understand the limits of Medicare coverage
Original Medicare, comprised of Part A and Part B, offers coverage for mostly non-vision care. While Medicare does cover services like cataract surgery or specific screenings for those at high risk, and cover routine eye exams, vision care isn’t part of the original Medicare program.
Eye Exams Covered by Medicare: Does Medicare Cover Vision?
What exactly is covered under your Original Medicare plan when it comes to eye exams can be surprising for many. For instance, if you’re battling diabetes or are at an increased risk for glaucoma due to either age factors or a family history of glaucoma, then Medicare covers eye exams that specifically target these conditions early on in their development stage.
Macular degeneration tests and treatments are also included within your original Medicare parts coverage. This condition often affects older adults leading to severe visual impairment if left unchecked over time.
Additionally, if you experience diabetic retinopathy complications caused by damage done to blood vessels inside the retina, your annual exams will be covered under your benefits package. This type of exam is called an annual comprehensive dilated eye exam and is critical for preventing complications from worsening.
To put things simply—while routine vision checks might not fall directly under Original Medicare’s provisions—they do offer significant support. This is especially true when managing pre-existing health issues, which could potentially lead to serious complications affecting one’s sight without proper medical intervention.
Understanding Medicare Advantage Plans
Does Medicare cover vision? First, we need to explore all of the different types of Medicare plans

If you’re navigating the world of health insurance, understanding your range of options is essential. One such option that may be particularly appealing for vision care is a Medicare Advantage plan.
Medicare Part C, or as it’s more commonly known—Medicare Advantage—isn’t just another letter to add to your list. It could potentially change how you approach healthcare coverage altogether. Unlike Original Medicare parts A and B, which limit their scope in terms of eye services, these private insurance carriers’ offerings include vision benefits.
Navigating Your Different Medicare Options
The question then arises—“Which Medicare option covers vision, and which one is right for me? To simplify this process, there exists a tool called Medicare Plan Finder. This allows users to compare different plans based on factors most relevant to them, including cost implications and the range of coverages offered.
A key factor while comparing coverage should be the type and frequency of vision services you need. Do you need coverage for routine check-ups or specialized treatments? Your ultimate decision about which type of Medicare is right for you will depend on these answers. It is also important to remember that while all those extra features might seem enticing at first glance, they could lead to higher out-of-pocket expenses if not used regularly.
Picking The Right Plan For You
Before you make the final decision on the type of Medicare plan that will work best for your needs, you need to take the steps.
- Analyze what kind of eye exams would suit your needs best, whether it be regular screenings or specific condition-related tests.
- Evaluate potential future requirements along with present ones before making any decisions about enrolling in one particular plan over another.
- Determine costs associated with premiums or deductibles and decide what works within your budget constraints without compromising on necessary medical attention.
In 2023, nearly every single Medicare Advantage plan will offer some form of visual benefit, including eyeglasses and contact lenses. This makes them attractive for beneficiaries who prioritize complete health coverage. So go ahead and explore each avenue to determine which is the best for your needs. Remember, knowledge is power—especially in navigating the complex terrain Medicare covers.
Costs Associated with Eye Care Under Medicare
Find out how much you can expect to pay out of pocket under the different Medicare options available
The financial aspect of eye care under Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage plans can be a bit complex. However, understanding these costs is important for effective and making the right decision for your vision care.
Original Medicare Costs
A key player in the game of vision-related expenses is Original Medicare Part B. This component covers certain preventive or other diagnostic tests and eye exams but demands beneficiaries meet an annual deductible before it steps into action. The 2023 magic number? $226.
Once you’ve tackled this hurdle, expect to pay about 20% of the Medicare-approved amount, assuming your healthcare provider accepts the assignment.
Medicare Advantage Costs
If you choose the Medicare Advantage Plan (Part C), you will receive more vision coverage than an Original Medicare plan. Your total costs will hinge on several factors, including whether network providers are involved and what specific benefits your plan brings beyond original Medicare Parts A and B coverage.
You might also find yourself responsible for copayments or coinsurance amounts when receiving vision services depending on how your specific plan plays out its rules—even after meeting applicable deductibles.
Navigating Out-of-Pocket Expenses
To keep out-of-pocket expenses at bay while utilizing non-vision care Original Medicare coverages such as eye exams, consider enrolling in a Medigap policy which helps cover remaining healthcare costs not addressed by Original Medicare alone. Another avenue worth exploring will be Medicaid eligibility providing additional help with medical expenses if income and resources limit one’s options.
Glasses and Contact Lenses Coverage
Does Medicare cover vision, including glasses and contacts? Let’s take a look

A question that comes up among beneficiaries is about glasses and contact lenses—Does Medicare cover vision, including glasses and contacts, or not?
The short answer? It’s complicated. Original Medicare doesn’t expressly cover vision care for items such as eyeglasses or contacts, which may come as an unwelcome surprise to those who need them.
Coverage After Cataract Surgery
An exception exists when it comes to cataract surgery. If you’ve undergone this procedure, Medicare will chip in towards one pair of corrective lenses post-surgery. This could be standard frames with prescription glasses fitted into them or intraocular lenses inserted during the operation. This benefit only kicks in if your provider accepts an assignment from Medicare—meaning they agree to take what Medicare approves as full payment for their services.
Limited Coverage Options
If you’re someone who needs glasses or contacts but hasn’t had cataract surgery, options under Original Medicare are sparse. The program typically does not provide benefits for routine eye exams related to prescribing glasses or coverage for purchasing eyewear outside of post-cataract necessities.
In such cases where original Medicare falls short, exploring additional insurance avenues beyond just Original Medicare might prove beneficial. These supplementary plans often offer more comprehensive coverage, including regular eye examinations along with subsidies toward buying new glasses or contact lenses depending upon specific plan details.
To maximize your benefits when it comes to maintaining good eye health, it is important to understand your plan thoroughly, stay on top of any changes made annually, and explore all possible channels available within reach.
Additional Insurance Options for Vision Care
Beyond Medicare, there are several ways that you can get additional coverage
If your vision care needs to extend beyond what Original Medicare or a standard Advantage plan offers, it’s time to explore additional insurance options. These plans can offer coverage for routine eye exams and necessary eyewear such as glasses or contact lenses.
Linneo offers both individual vision insurance plans and an eyewear savings plan designed to supplement coverage for people who are on Medicare or unable to get vision coverage otherwise. Before we get too detailed, let’s explore how these types of plans work and how they can benefit people who receive Medicare coverage.
Eyewear Savings Plans
Beyond the traditional insurance policies are also available—eyewear savings plans. These plans are also referred to as vision discount plans because they offer an across-the-board discount for eyeglasses and contact lenses. These programs present members with significant savings on everything from eye exams to glasses and contact lenses at participating providers.
The Linneo Eyewear Savings Plan allows for 15% off of eyeglasses or contact lenses. This low-cost coverage option can save members hundreds of dollars per year on eyewear. A plan like this is especially useful in situations where eyewear is required urgently. Let’s say you broke your glasses. You can get a new pair using your discount and avoid paying full price. Even better, the Linneo Eyewear Saving Plan starts at as low as $12 per year and helps supplement the vision gaps in Medicare coverage.
Individual Vision Insurance Coverage
Another option to supplement your Medicare coverage—especially if you have Original Medicare A or B—is individual vision insurance coverage. Individual vision insurance coverage is designed for people who want to save money on eye exams, eyeglasses, and contact lenses. Since Original Medicare plans do not provide coverage for these necessary check-ins and corrective lenses, it is important to have a plan that prevents you from paying high out-of-pocket costs.
Individual insurance coverage is the way to make sure you are covered for annual eye exams, glasses, and contact lenses when you have an Original Medicare plan. Explore the different options for individual vision insurance options from Linneo to determine which option works the best for you.
Finding the Right Plan For You
In pursuit of these extra avenues outside Medicare coverage, one must first assess individual needs before making any decisions about supplementary coverage. Considerations should be made based on how often you need new glasses or contacts, along with whether regular specialist appointments due to conditions like glaucoma macular degeneration are required by you personally.
The co-pays demanded under these insurances, alongside annual premiums, must also factor into calculations when determining potential costs versus benefits.
Always remember—reading all policy details carefully prior to signing is always in your best interest. By doing so, you will ensure whichever choice aligns best with both budgetary constraints and personal health requirements.
Why Routine Eye Exams Matter
If you don’t currently get regular eye exams, this is your sign to make an appointment!

The importance of routine eye exams extends beyond just updating your eyeglasses or contact lenses prescription. They’re a vital part of maintaining overall ocular health and detecting early signs of serious conditions.
Beyond these common problems, consistent check-ups also help identify symptoms indicative of potentially severe diseases such as glaucoma or macular degeneration. These ailments often show no symptoms until they have significantly progressed. That’s why regular monitoring is crucial to catch them at an earlier stage when they are still manageable.
Does Medicare Cover Vision? Common FAQs
Does Medicare cover vision or anything for the eyes?
Yes, Medicare covers certain eye-related medical conditions and treatments like cataract surgery but does not include routine vision care.
Under what circumstances would Medicare cover eyeglasses?
Medicare covers one pair of prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses after cataract surgery that implants an intraocular lens.
Does Medicare cover retinal eye exams?
If you have diabetes or are at high risk for glaucoma, Medicare will cover a yearly exam to check for these conditions.
How often can I have an eye test with Medicare?
The frequency depends on your health status. For instance, those with diabetes or at high risk for glaucoma receive annual coverage for specific tests.
So, does Medicare cover vision? Decoding Medicare’s vision coverage can be complex, but it’s clear that Original Medicare does cover some eye-related medical conditions. However, routine vision services like exams for glasses or contact lenses aren’t included. Eye tests are covered under certain circumstances and frequencies based on specific risk factors. Non-vision care, such as cataract surgery is also part of the package.
The gap in routine vision care might pose a challenge for seniors needing regular check-ups, vision correction or eyewear updates. But there are solutions available to bridge this gap!
Explore your options to determine which are the right for you. Be sure to explore Linneo’s individual vision insurance options as well as the eyewear savings plan. When you choose Linneo, you get the convenience of seamless online shopping and a flexible network. With a Linneo vision insurance plan, you can choose any provider in your area for care. Then, Linneo will reimburse you!
Explore your vision insurance options with Linneo today! Discover how much you can save!