Should I Put in My Contact Lenses Before or After Makeup?

woman applying makeup to her eyebrows

Find out whether or not you should put your contacts in before or after makeup for maximum safety

For contact lens wearers, achieving a stunning makeup look while safeguarding healthy eyes can seem like an intimidating task. But it doesn’t have to be that way! This guide provides the knowledge and tools necessary for applying eye makeup with ease and comfort. Whether you should apply lenses or cosmetics first will also be covered—enabling you to rock your favorite looks without worrying about irritation or damage to your eyes.

If you want to save money on contact lenses in the future, check Linneo’s vision insurance enrollment options!

Table of Contents

When to Apply Contact Lenses: Before or After Makeup?

Let’s find out if you are supposed to put in your contact lenses before or after makeup

woman putting in contact lenses

The time-honored question remains for all contact lens wearers: should they put on their contacts before makeup application or vice versa? The ideal answer is straightforward: lenses must be inserted first in order to avoid potential eye discomfort and irritation. Optometrists also endorses this approach as a way of lessening eye pain and stopping any potential infections associated with sporting contact lenses along with cosmetics.

When you fit your opticals before putting on makeup, you can have an enhanced view throughout the process, thus hindering any chances of transferring remnants from your products into the eyeballs through your contacts. Ensure that both hands are thoroughly disinfected and dry when taking care of contact lenses and brushes for applying beautification items – particularly while working around eyeliner areas!

Utilizing creamy eyeshadows rather than powdery ones will help maintain cleanliness in the pair of lenses, which also avoids concerns when tiny particles come into contact with your eyes during the application of makeup items in question. reducing risk during night-wearing activities even further and protecting the sightseeing organ from foreign particles entering its depths.

Benefits of Applying Contacts First

When putting in contact lenses before applying makeup, you are able to stay away from any type of particles entering your eyes that could cause irritation or discomfort. Sanitize hands and brushes when handling the lens as a way to stop bacteria and other small materials from transferring onto them. Contact lens wearers should consider using cream-based eye shadows to keep those pairs of dirty lenses free of residues while ensuring healthy vision throughout the day without soreness in their eyes. Remember to put on contacts first when doing your face with makeup so as not to aggravate said organs!

Risks of Applying Contacts After Makeup

Inserting contact lenses before donning eye makeup ensures that particles of cosmetics do not stick to the lens, leading to potential discomfort or redness in your eyes. It allows wearers contact freedom when wearing their preferred eyeliner and eye shadow style without worrying about damaging either the lenses or vision health itself.

To protect against skin irritation from makeup getting onto a wearer’s contacts, always insert them before applying cosmetic products like mascara and blush. Doing so will help avoid unpleasantries while enjoying time out with perfect sight!

Best Practices for Eye Makeup Application with Contact Lenses

Now that we know that you should put your contact lenses in before makeup, let’s look at some techniques to apply makeup safely

person washing their hands

Creating beautiful eye makeup with contact lenses is possible with the right techniques. Maintaining good hygiene and choosing suitable cosmetics can help keep both your eyes and contacts in great condition. Let’s explore these two factors so that you know how to apply makeup when wearing contact lenses for healthy, irritation-free results!

Having clean hands while working on your face or applying eyeliner is crucial as it prevents bacteria from infecting the sensitive areas of your eyes and also reduces the risk of infection due to contaminated product application. It’s best to choose products specifically designed for contact lenses, such as water-based formulas, to avoid irritating oils getting into them. These oils cause discomfort or, worse still, blurred vision—and no one wants that! With this knowledge in mind, proper handwashing and ensuring your brushes are germ free will enable flawless looks without compromising on comfort either way around!

Hand Hygiene

Adhering to proper hand hygiene when applying eye makeup is essential for contact lens wearers. Washing your hands with a bar of mild soap and water helps prevent the transmission of bacteria from fingers or brushes to both eyes and lenses, lessening any risk of irritation or infection. After cleaning up thoroughly and then drying them completely, you should feel comfortable wearing contacts while doing your glam look for the day!

Choosing the Right Makeup Products

When wearing contact lenses, selecting the right makeup for your eyes is critical to avoid any reactions. Pencil liners are recommended over gels or creams as they can dry and flake off more easily when coming into contact with lens material, so Kohl pencils should be avoided due to their potential presence of harmful lead metals. When choosing a foundation product, liquid options would be better than solid-textured ones. Make sure that whatever products you use around the eye area don’t contain oils since those may travel through facial contours and get directly onto lenses, causing them to become hazy, which interferes with vision clarity. By picking suitable cosmetics, one can enjoy great-looking eye makeup while also taking good care of sensitive areas near one’s lenses!

The Do's and Don'ts of Eye Makeup for Contact Lens Wearers

Before you can get started on your makeup—let’s walk you through the steps for keeping your contacts safe

makeup brushes

Applying eye makeup for those wearing contact lenses can be made much easier if some simple dos and don’ts are kept in mind. To help you ensure a healthy, comfortable look all day long, we will now explain the guidelines that must be adhered to when applying eye makeup with contacts on.

By following these tips, you can safeguard your eyes against any mishaps during wear time.


When wearing contact lenses, always make sure to keep your hands clean in order to avoid contamination while applying makeup. Makeup should be applied with eyes closed as a precautionary step against particles entering the eye area.

Opt for oil-free and waterproof products such as eyeliner and mascara that won’t smudge or run during physical activity. Avoiding putting makeup directly on the waterline of your eyes is also crucial in preventing discomfort and irritation. By taking these steps into account, you can confidently wear contact lenses whilst having beautifully styled eyes without any health risks!


Wearers should keep some important things in mind when it comes to contact lenses, applying eyeliner, and makeup. First of all, they must avoid using liquid eyeliner since this may lead to irritation or discomfort when particles from the product get transferred onto your lens. Be sure not to rub your eyes while wearing eye makeup—doing so could also cause issues with your vision later on due to any potentially present grease being added by oil-based removers used for removing said cosmetics.

Instead, try water-based products meant for sensitive skin as an alternative way of taking off the makeup after use if you’re a contact lens wearer seeking comfortable results throughout the process! By adhering to these don’ts mentioned here today, one can safely enjoy their experience without worrying about damaging their contacts or causing negative impacts on their sight during application/removal times.

Maintaining Clean Contacts and Makeup Tools

When you wear makeup and contacts, you need to prevent irritation even outside of getting ready

Clean contact lenses and makeup tools are essential for keeping your eyes healthy and preventing any problems. Regular cleaning and the correct storage of contact lenses and make-up supplies will reduce eye infections or irritations caused by wearing these items. This section looks at how to keep them hygienic so that you can apply cosmetics without worrying about potential damage to your eyesight.

All necessary steps should be taken regarding hygiene when using contacts or applying makeup – it’s important not only for avoiding discomfort but also for safeguarding against infection risks! Maintaining proper sanitation practices while handling lens wear, brushes or sponges ensures that they continue providing comfort over time without endangering overall vision health.

Cleaning and Storing Contact Lenses

For a safe and comfortable experience wearing makeup, contact lens wearers should take proper cleaning and storing procedures to reduce the risk of eye infections. Before touching your lenses, make sure you always wash your hands with soap and water. Use a new solution for rubbing them every time to cleanse them well. It’s also essential that you switch out contact lens cases frequently so they are kept hygienic. 

Keep any used contacts stored in a fresh solution of solvent until needed again, each time taken off the eyes. Following these precautions properly when dealing with glasses or contact lenses can lower the chances of getting an infection associated with eyewear!

Makeup Tool Hygiene

It is important to keep makeup brushes and other tools clean to avoid the growth of bacteria and potential eye irritation or infection. To properly clean a makeup brush, one should first wet it with warm water and then lightly massage some soap or liquid dishwashing detergent into its bristles.

Rinse thoroughly until all soap residue has been removed before squeezing out any excess moisture and reshaping the bristles back into their original form. Lay them flat on a dry towel surface so that they are completely free from dampness prior to use again. 

Alternatively, hang them upside down if possible. Sanitize your makeup instruments every few weeks for best results, including sponges replaced regularly too, this helps reduce chances of skin eruptions while wearing contact lenses plus additional eye discomfort when applying cosmetics!

Removing Makeup Safely with Contact Lenses

Now that we know how to maintain contacts before and after makeup application, let’s discuss makeup removal

For contact lens wearers, proper makeup removal is key to protecting their eyes from irritation and keeping them healthy. This guide will provide instructions on taking out contacts before removing cosmetics and selecting a suitable cleanser for this task while wearing lenses.

To ensure your contacts remain clean and avoid any discomfort in your eyes, it’s vital that you properly remove all traces of makeup residue when sporting lenses. Following these prescribed steps can help make sure that both the contact lens itself and your eye are left unharmed by leftover debris from cosmetic products!

How to Properly Take Out Contacts Before Makeup Removal

It is vital to extract your contacts before wiping away cosmetics in order to lessen the chances of eye irritation and uneasiness. By doing so, makeup specks won’t attach themselves to contact lenses and will spare you from unnecessary distress. To ensure that while taking out your contact lenses, there will be no discomfort experienced when removing make-up. These guidelines should be followed:

  1. With a gentle soap free of any scent, thoroughly scrub your hands beforehand for optimal hygiene conditions prior to touching the eye area
  2. Using the middle finger, delicately pull down the lower eyelid
  3. Slide off the lens slowly from the eye socket

Following these directions carefully helps assure an enjoyable experience as well as unharmed vision during the removal of cosmetic products after the extraction process has been completed successfully with contracted sunglasses or glasses removed safely first!

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you put on makeup before or after contacts?

Contact lenses should be worn before applying makeup for a picture-perfect look. Doing this provides an unobstructed field of view, enabling you to blend concealer and evenly distribute eyeliner on both eyes for optimum results.

Should you take contacts before or after a shower?

It is advised by optometrists to take out contact lenses before showering in order to minimize the danger of eye infection. Microbes and viruses that are hazardous to the eyes can be present in water; hence, wearing contacts while bathing should be avoided as a precaution against potential contamination of the eyeball or inflammation caused by bacteria.

Can I wear makeup to a contact fitting?

It is acceptable to adorn yourself with makeup for a contact lens fitting. It would be best to use minimal eye makeup and refrain from using eyelashes or wearing waterproof or eyelash-lengthening mascara. This guideline should especially be taken into account if you plan on putting in contacts or visiting your optometrist for an examination involving lenses. Keeping this tip in mind will ensure that the process of using contacts goes as smoothly as possible! infections typically involves administering antibiotic drops into the affected area, giving anti-allergy medication when necessary, and surgery being used only in extreme circumstances. It is important then that attention is paid without delay so more serious issues do not arise down the line due to neglecting medical care right away.

What type of makeup products are suitable for contact lens wearers?

For those who wear contact lenses, it is recommended to use hypoallergenic makeup products that are oil-free and water-resistant in order to lessen the potential of experiencing eye irritation. Such precautions can reduce the risk posed by using makeup while wearing contact lenses.

How often should I clean my makeup brushes?

Maintaining hygiene and preventing skin or eye infections is essential by cleaning makeup brushes every two to four weeks.

For contact lens wearers, applying eye makeup while wearing lenses can be stress-free when following the proper tips and techniques. It is recommended to insert your contacts before putting on any cosmetics, maintain good hygiene, and select appropriate products for use around the eyes. And adhere to both what should (and shouldn’t) be done during application. Keeping these key points in mind will help you become more confident as you create attractive makeup looks while ensuring that your contact lenses stay comfortable and healthy at all times.

If you want to try contact lenses for the first time, check out the coverage options from Linneo! With Linneo vision insurance coverage, you can save on the type of contact lenses that work for you!

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